Alleghany Memorial Park

Alleghany Memorial Park is located at 7008 Winterberry Avenue, Covington Virginia, 24426 Zip. Alleghany Memorial Park provides complete funeral services to Gloster local community and the surrounding areas. To find out more information about and local funeral services that they offer, give them a call at (540) 862-7142.

Alleghany Memorial Park

Business Name: Alleghany Memorial Park
Address: 7008 Winterberry Avenue
City: Covington
State: Virginia
ZIP: 24426
Phone number: (540) 862-7142
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Comfort a grieving friend or loved one with flowers.

Alleghany Memorial Park directions to 7008 Winterberry Avenue in Covington Virginia are shown on the google map above. Its geocodes are 37.7731, -80.0632. Call Alleghany Memorial Park for visitation hours, funeral viewing times and services provided.

Business Hours
Monday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Tuesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Wednesday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Friday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Saturday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 11:30 PM

Alleghany Memorial Park Obituaries

Museum's little things help tell Wilkes story - Wilkes Journal Patriot

But look a little closer, and you’ll see the smaller historical details that say just as much about Wilkes County history as the attention-grabbing larger displays.Apple press gearsThe brass gears of an apple cider press from the early 1900s are pictured. This particular press was used to make cider on the Monroe Apple Farm on the Brushy Mountains of Wilkes County and was donated to the museum by Pat and Monroe German.Ivey Moore’s coonskin capNorth Wilkesboro’s Ivey Moore was chief scout when the Daniel Boone wagon train’s annual trips across the Blue Ridge began in 1963 as part of the celebration of North Carolina’s 300th birthday.Moore portrayed Daniel Boone in the annual reenactment from 1963 to 1969. His Daniel Boone outfit is displayed at the museum, although it should be noted that Boone didn’t wear a coonskin cap or buckskin, and made his journey through Wilkes on foot and horseback, not by wagon.World War I uniform buttonNewton Wiley Bumgarner (1894-1962) was a member of the 105th Regiment of Engineers that served in World War I as part of the “Old Hickory” 30th Division. He was stationed in England in 1917 and was injured in 1918 while unloading lumber from a truck.Bumgarner later returned to Wilkes and worked at the North Wilkesboro Post Office. His uniform was donated to the museum by Marianne Bumgarner Davis.Dr. Bryan’s essentialsDr. T.R. Bryan practiced medicine in Wilkes from April 26, 1955, until his retirement on June 23, 2003. He delivered over 9,000 babies, as evidenced by this well-worn leather bag and stethoscope.Bryan was also a supporter of local music and musicians at all levels, and in 2012 was recipient of a special Wilkes County Heritage Music Award by the Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame, which is housed on the top floor of the museum. That award is now named in his memory.Tory Oak stumpThe famous black oak tree stood in the center of Wilkesboro for close to three centuries and was used to execute at least five Tories who opposed the Ameri...

Next up: New values, water, more - Wilkes Journal Patriot

Property revaluationWilkes Tax Administrator Alex Hamilton said new values from the latest revaluation, which began in 2018, will be mailed to Wilkes County property owners in early March.Although it’s still subject to adjustment before new values are mailed, the revaluation resulted in a countywide value (county tax base) of $5.72 billion.Increases or decreases in values are closely tied to how well different types of property have been selling and purchase prices.He said lots in mountain subdivisions established during the real estate boom just before a recession began about 10 years ago generally will see some of the biggest decreases, while the opposite is true for many moderately priced houses.In general, values of commercial properties are increasing. Hamilton said lack of consistency in sales prices of the largest homes created challenges for county appraisers.The new revaluation is the first since 2013, which resulted in a countywide property value of $5.49 billion—about 4 percent less than the value ($5.72 billion) resulting from the 2018 revaluation.The revaluation scheduled in 2017 was delayed due to lack of property sales needed to determine new values and little change in values.The $5.49 billion valuation was 2.3 percent less than the total from the 2007 revaluation, which was $5.62 billion. A revaluation planned in 2009 was also delayed because of lack of sales.The tax base primarily is real property, but also includes the value of business personal property, utilities and motor vehicles. Real property includes land, houses and other structures.State law requires counties to reappraise all real property once every eight years but allows reappraisal once every four years. County officials at one point had a goal of revaluating property every four years.Property owners can file an informal appeal of new values using a form included with new value notices they receive.If the property owner isn’t satisfied, the next step is to file a formal appeal with the Wilkes County Board of Equaliza...

Brad Prowse: 100 years ago in Nevada County (December 1918) - The Union of Grass Valley

California sent 137,033 men to the Front.Many mountain boys wounded in the Argonne battle — Jack Jackman of Alleghany, Divian Roach and Charles Conzales of Forest Hill, and Charles Nunez and Charles Dapper of Auburn.Rain the 5th to the 10th, clear and cold until rain the 21st, then clear and cold again.George Richards of Grass Valley, reported missing in action, has turned up at a base hospital.A mountain lion has been seen prowling the lower country — hunters with dogs are out.Recommended Stories For YouThe question of whether Private William Hegarty is dead or alive is not yet answered — just the recent telegram saying he was still alive.The Nation's flu deaths number around 350,000.A drunken man was found on Commercial Street in Nevada City. He was so heavy it took a truck to haul him in.Will Tong of the Sun Tong Hing grocery in Grass Valley's Chinatown is arrested for selling beer to miners.Schools in Grass Valley were required to mask up again — another outbreak.John Rees, 80, of Ohio, rode a bicycle 92 miles to Youngstown in a day and a half.The Narrow Gauge will redeem some of the $1,000 bonds paying 7% held by local people. There are still $89,000 in bonds outstanding.Isaac Fleming of McCourtney Road died from wounds suffered in the battle of the Argonne.The Food Administration still bars restaurants from giving more than 2 ounces of wheat bread to any one patron at one meal.The Red Cross here has expended $1,035 on nurses and external expenses while treating 48 flu cases — 9 died.William Bierwagen of Peardale petitions to change his last name to Bergan. He says he was born in South Dakota in 1877 and that the name 'Bierwagon' is often made fun of. Also, being a member of the temperance movement, the name is embarrassing.George Lynde, Grass Valley man who was wounded in France, returns on the train this morning.A memorial to Grass Valley soldiers who lost their lives may take the form of a three-story city hall.PG&E to destroy the old Rome Powerhouse dam — is cheaper ...

Show your sympathy and support during these difficult times with beautiful selection of funeral flowers delivered to Alleghany Memorial Park for viewing, visitation of burial service.

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